Breastfeeding Peer Support Training


What is a Breastfeeding Peer Supporter?

Peer Supporters collecting their certificates in March 2010A breastfeeding peer supporter is a mother who has breastfed or is breastfeeding; or expressing and giving breastmilk.

She also has a positive attitude towards breastfeeding and wants to help and support other mothers who choose to breastfeed.

This is  a brief outline of the role and the training, and the commitment involved.

Breastfeeding peer supporters in Plymouth are volunteers who regularly attend one of the Latch On Breastfeeding Support Groups or visit the maternity wards at Derriford Hospital and offer support in a number of ways. These include being there to welcome new Mums and Mums-to-be to the groups (and Dads/Grandparents too), providing information and support when required and generally help with the organisation and running of the group. There are no special requirements other than a commitment to breastfeeding, and a desire to help others.

All of the groups are supported by children’s centre staff as well as peer supporters, however the importance of peer support is that new Mums feel very comfortable seeking support from other Mums.


How Do I Become a Breastfeeding Peer Supporter?


To apply you would go through your Family Hub, or contact the volunteer service at Derriford hospital. We ask that peer supporters are willing to go through the Family Hub or Hospital volunteer process which will include a DBS check, and then to commit to volunteering for a minimum of 6 months after being cleared to volunteer.

If you were interested in supporting at Derriford in the Maternity unit, volunteers at Derriford have more flexibility over when they can attend with many going in on evenings and /or weekends.

Peer Support Training runs three times a year. The course is 8 sessions (once a week for 2 and a half hours). One course in January runs online on MSTeams and two face to face courses in April/May and September. If you have a young baby you can bring him or her with you. Courses only run during term time.

If you would like to find out more, please speak to your midwife or health visitor, or to a peer supporter at one of the Latch On groups.

For more details email    with Peer support as the subject