Peer Supporters

All peer supporters are mothers who have breastfed or are breastfeeding/giving breastmilk, and would like to support other mothers and babies to  breastfeed.

They have all completed a peer support training course, which means that they have learned about breastfeeding, how it works and how to recognize and overcome potential barriers to successful breastfeeding.

Your peer supporter will be easily recognized as she will be wearing a purple tee shirt with the ‘latch-on logo’ on it. Some peer supporters have undertaken additional training to enable them to fit nursing bras, which are available to purchase at discounted prices while stocks last.

Peer supporters are not trained to identify or treat medical conditions in either you or your baby; but are able to direct you to the best source of support or inform you when a health professional will be available.

You will find your local peer supporter a great source of knowledge, support and encouragement. She will try to make you feel as comfortable as possible within the group, and introduce you to other parents and babies.

They are great listeners and are skilled at supporting you to enjoy your breastfeeding experience, whether this is your first baby or not.